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Youth Psychotherapy
Youth psychotherapy has the same basis as adult psychotherapy but takes into account the development stage of the young person. Studies show that various areas of the brain are not fully developed until adulthood; these include impulse control; the ability to plan, prioritise and implement good decisions.
In addition, there are significant physical changes and challenges experienced in teenage years which mean that a therapist may approach youth psychotherapy in a slightly different way from adult psychotherapy and use different tools to enable the young person to express their feelings.
Depending on the age of the young person the tools may include play therapy, art therapy or role play.
Youth psychotherapy is often initiated by the adults in the young person's life because the young person's behaviour is perceived as problematic in some way. It is not always perceived as problematic by the young person themselves. Often it will be appropriate for therapy to include the whole family and/or liaison with the young person's school or college.
The aim of youth psychotherapy is not to change the young person so they better fit adult requirements. It is to equip the young person with the tools to chose healthy and positive ways of navigating their way into adulthood.
One of the great advantages a therapist has in working with young people is that their brains are flexible and alert to new ways of thinking. Young people are not always as resistant to change as adults but, in fact, positively rewarded by the release of dopamine when experiencing new things and taking risks. This is something that can be capitalised on in a positive way, as well as explaining some of the harmful behaviour that young people might engage in.