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Are you struggling with unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours?  Is this affecting your daily life?  Did you know that help is at hand?  We can help you live your life without these thoughts, feelings or behaviours. Even if all you feel you need is to be able to understand yourself better and need a safe, secure, empathetic environment to discuss issues that may be concerning you, you have come to the right place. 

Here at Solutions we can draw on over 20 years experience to help you towards a resolution. Our desire is to enable you to find greater freedom in your life and an understanding of who you are and the best you can be.

Through years of experience we have become aware that with the right approach it is possible to bring healing, freedom and peace of mind to anyone - whatever the problem.

The uniqueness of each and every one of us should always be reflected in the choice of therapy.  That's why here at Solutions we draw on a wide range of therapies to enable us to tailor our approach to your individual needs.


A comprehensive range of counselling services for Liphook, Bordon & surrounding areas


A Taste of Who We Are

If you are scrolling through therapists and counsellors, there is probably something going on for you or a loved one - and we are sorry for that.  

We want this to be the beginning of a story for you: a story of hope, of healing, of possibilities, of change that you never thought was possible. Real change, lasting change.


With the advacements in current therapies based in neuroscience, the possibilities for healing are both amazing and endless. No longer are we struggling to find ways of helping you cope just a little better. Real and lasting freedom can be yours. 

Make today the first page of your new story.

Book an Appointment

We welcome all new customers with a free introductory consultation to see if we are the right fit for you.


We also have a limited number of free ongoing appointments for those who are unable to afford the fees.

Begin Your Journey to Happiness.

Cut to the present, and yes, of course I passed my teacher training in style. I now regard myself with pride and confidence, and am embarking on a new life with real optimism, justified and hard-earned. Nigel will always say it was me who did all the work, but I know he is being modest. If I was the driver who took my battered old car to his garage, he was the mechanic who turned it into a Rolls Royce. I am indeed a transformed character. Few people truly deserve to be hailed as a 'hero' but in this instance it is wholly appropriate. Nigel is one of mine, and will always be. Read More



HEAL, SO you CAN thrive. 

Practice Areas

Types of Therapy

Unlike many other practices or therapists, we are experienced in over 50 different tyes of ttherapy and still learning every day. Below are just a few of the modalities we believe create impressive and long lasting results.


Psychiatric Evaluation

While we are unable to provide an official diagnosis, we are able to help guide you to a probable diagnosis, recommend and explain the different routes and work with you following a diagnosis.



We help adults to tackle everything from anxiety and depression to more severe issues such as anorexia and bipolar. 



Youth Psychotherapy

This helps children and young people unlock what lies beneaththeir difficulties and better understanding themselves and the world around them. 


Hypnosis – or hypnotherapy – uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened sense of awareness.


Brief Strategic Therapy

This is a goal-directed collaborative approach to psychotherapeutic change which focuses on addressing what clients want to achieve without exploring the history and underlying roots of problem(s).


If something traumatic has happened to you (whether is be a car accident, abuse or something seemingly less significant like being humiliated) the memory.


Ego State Therapy

A psychodynamic approach to treat various behavioural and cognitive problems.


Neuro-linguistic programming recognises the connection between neurological processes and behavioural patterns. 


Psychotherapeutic Counselling

A psychotherapeutic counsellor can offer both traditional counselling and psychotherapeutic counselling.


Industrial Psychology

This is a service we offer to businesses where we can evaluate eployees (attitudes, moral and performance) as well as give advice on how to interview and employ the right employees. 

Calm and peaceful ocean and sunset

Our Values

The team here at Solutions Counselling are incredibly proactive and together with a wide range of proven therapies we have trained in, we offer the ability to tailor the help you need to best suit you.

We strongly believe that nothing is impossible. All our clients have the potentrial to be who and what they want to be - you become what you feed your mind. 

As Bruce Lee said, "Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy and they cast spells, that's why it's called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself, and you can change your life." this sums up much of our ethos here at Solutions.

Areas of Therapy

The varying ares of therapy that we cover cannot all be listed, but below may give you an idea of some of the more common areas we deal with and have extensive experience in treating.




Trauma, Abuse & Avoidance


Weight Control & Eating Disorders


Loss & Bereavement


OCD, Unwanted Behaviour & Thoughts


Relationships, Brokenheartedness & Attachment Disorder


Confidence & Self-Esteem



Self Harm


Pain Control 

 Personal Development 

Stress & Anxiety


Calming beautiful sunset with water over rocks

Why Us?



Exceptional Therapists

All of our therapists are hand-selected based on not only their achievements in their work but also their ethos, approach, attitude and  outlook on healing.


Expansive Therapies

We are qualified & Certfiied in over 50 different approaches (and still learning), whereas many other therapists may only be qualified in 2 or 3. We believe that therapy is not a straight-line nor one-fit approach and that everyone we see is unique -  therefore requiring a very unique approach. 


Proven Results

We pride ourselves in assisting those that have been unable to find help elsewhere.

Meet Nigel 

Nigel Newman is the founder counsellor at Solutions Counselling.  He is qualified & certified as a full member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis and National Counselling Society, a practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychotherapeutic Counselling, and highly experienced in a range of complementary therapies to help resolve life issues.

Nigel Newman Founder and Therapist outside Solutions Counselling Office

Meet Georgie

Georgie is an integrative therapist who has further training in hypnotherapy and is a full member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society, as well as the Hypnotherapy Society. Her aim as a therapist is to create a confidential space that is safe for you to explore any difficulties or issues you may be facing.  Georgie considers a trusting relationship as pivotal through which any difficulties can be explored. 

Georgie therapist at Solutions Counselling

Meet Jen

Having an extensive background in complementary therapies, Jen’s desire, belief, and passion are in the autonomous human ability to facilitate our own healing with a little help. In counselling, developing a safe, open, and honest relationship between counsellor and therapist creates the foundation for genuine healing and positive change to occur. Throughout Jen’s sessions, you will feel free to explore any issues you have at your own pace, safe and held as you work together organically to discover what will help you best. 

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Meet Delia

Delia is a qualified BACP registered person-centered therapeutic counsellor. One of her greatest passions is connecting with people. Her years of counselling and Reiki practice enable her to connect at a deeper level, so she really listens to you with understanding and empathy. Central to Delia's approach is the transformative power of truly being heard.  

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Meet Hajnal

Hajnal was born in Romania, speaks Hungarian and Romanian and has been passionate about psychology from a young age. Living in Haslemere since 2009, she is a linguist and completed teacher's training. Hajnal is now a fully qualified hypnotherapist and is finishing her last year of studies to be a counsellor.


Meet Alison

Having dealt with a few health problems herself, including ongoing weight challenges (like many woman in their 40's), an autoimmune disease and eczema, Alison acquired a thirst to heal not only herself but also to share, help and heal others with all that she has learnt along the way. 



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